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We are thrilled to share that we have just received Emotionally Friendly School (EFS) accreditation in recognition of our commitment to positive mental health and wellbeing of children and staff.
Care, Learn, Achieve

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6! There are 21 children in the class; Mr Elder is the teacher and Miss Lee is the teaching assistant.

Information for the start of the year.



Our topic this term will be World War II. English will be integrated into the topic when appropriate.  Mrs Jones will be teaching Spanish each week, with Minshall Music teaching Music and Chris Yates continuing to teach Games.



This is a very important year for your children for many reasons and it is essential that they are in school as much as possible from now until we finish in July 2025. Please do not book holidays or non-essential appointments during school time, especially during the first half of the Summer term which will include SATs week.


Key Stage 2 SATS    

These take place in the week beginning Monday 12th May. Y6 children will sit tests in Reading, Mathematics, and GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling). These will be marked externally, and the results sent back to schools by mid-July. Children will be given a level for Writing based on teacher assessment. All the details of the levels your child is working at in Y6 will be reported to you at the end of the school year as usual. You will receive more information about SATS closer to the time.



Homework will consist of practice and consolidation activities for reading, maths, spelling and grammar each week. It will be given on a Friday, to be completed by the following Wednesday. Most tasks will be paper based in the children’s homework books and there will be additional activities on Edshed and sometimes Times Table Rock Stars.

Please let me know if there is an issue with your child using the internet. Occasionally, the children will be given additional work which may involve conducting some research or to reinforce other learning in the classroom.


PE and Games             

For the first half term, Y6 PE lessons will be on Monday and Thursday. (After October, PE lessons will be on Wednesday and Thursday.) Please ensure you child wears their full PE kit to school on these days.  If they do not have the correct school kit, children should wear their school uniform to school and change in school for the PE lesson. Earrings should not be worn on PE days.



Children will read regularly during the week in English and Guided Reading sessions. They may bring books in from home for free reading, but they will also be given the opportunity to choose from the selection in class, alongside reading our class novels. Children should be encouraged to read at home daily to increase reading stamina. This will be essential during SATs when children will be expected to read at pace.



Children will be given a list of spellings each week. Activities on Spelling Shed as part of homework will help them to learn and practise them. In the following week, there will be a spelling activity which will focus on words from the previous weeks.


Water bottles     

Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school, clearly named. Even in winter, it does become very warm in school.


Lledr Hall 2025

The dates for Lledr Hall are Monday 27th– Friday 31st January. A letter will be sent home in the next few days with further details. If your child wishes to go, you will need to return the reply slip and deposit by the date specified.  A meeting will be held straight after school on Thursday 26th September to provide more information.



Finally, if you have any queries or concerns, please feel free to catch me after school or contact me via the school email.


