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We are thrilled to share that we have just received Emotionally Friendly Setting accreditation in recognition of our commitment to positive mental health and wellbeing of children and staff.
Care, Learn, Achieve

Y5-Y6 Transition

Hello Year 5, soon to be Year 6! 


Mrs. Sargeant and I are very much looking forward to welcoming you back in September.  Miss Kearsley has already told me what a fabulous class you are and I can not wait to take you all on the final leg of your BMPS journey in Y6. 

Whilst the year may be challenging at times, it is also a great deal of fun.  You will work hard but also enjoy many fantastic experiences along the way. 

Change can sometimes make us feel nervous, which is perfectly natural and understandable, but you have no need to worry. You will all be absolutely fine and fantastic too!


Take care, stay safe and I look forward to seeing you all again in September.


Mrs. Kelly & Mrs. Sargeant wink

What will my child need to bring with them to school in September?


  • The only items your child needs to bring to school each day are their coat, their water bottle and an appropriate snack (no nuts, please).
  • Water jugs and cups will not longer be available in the classrooms.  Each child must bring their own water bottle.
  • For the first few weeks, children will NOT need a school bag
  • All equipment your child will need, including pencil cases, will be provided by school.
  • Your child will have their own personal resources kept in their pencil case.  This will minimise the need to share resources.
  • Initially, reading books will be kept in school.  Teachers will inform you in September how they would like you to support your child's reading at home.


  • Packed lunches:  If required, a packed lunch can be provided from home as usual.


  • P.E:  Children will still need a P.E kit.  Please place this into a draw-string bag that can be easily hung onto a coat peg.

Welcome: An all-age assembly about welcoming each other

An assembly with the story of the Prodigal Son, and what it means to welcome each other and be welcomed by God.
