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We hope that all of our families have had a wonderful holiday. We re-open for Autumn Term on Wednesday 4th September 2024
Care, Learn, Achieve

Celebration Gallery

Lego Workshop 

22nd November


We loved our Lego Workshop with Junior Stem. We used the Lego WeDo 2.0 software to connect our Smart Hub and motor. Next, we used the software to create an algorithm. We experimented using the direction, timer, music and video instructions to create a longer algorithm.

Freshwater Theatre Company

29th September


We loved our visit from Freshwater Theatre Company today! During the morning, we took part in an exciting drama workshop, where we met ‘Mary Porter’ from 1666. We went back in time to re-enact the events of the Great Fire of London. We recreated scenes of everyday life in Pudding Lane, the fire itself, the frantic escape and made decisions about how to rebuild the city. We learnt more about Samuel Pepys, King Charles II and the Lord Mayor of London along the way.
