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We are thrilled to share that we have just received Emotionally Friendly School (EFS) accreditation in recognition of our commitment to positive mental health and wellbeing of children and staff.
Care, Learn, Achieve

Y5 Photo Gallery 2016-17

John Muir Award

Y5 have now received their John Muir Discovery Awards. They have all worked hard over the last half term to achieve this award.

Well done Y5.

Residential Outdoor Learning Experience

Ancient Greek Day! To conclude our topic this half term we all came into school dressed in Ancient Greek clothing and took part in our very own Olympic Games. This included taking part in events such as an egg and spoon race, a javelin throwing contest and ending with a tongue twister competition! Well done to Corinth, our winning city state! After the games, they had a well deserved snack consisting of various Greek foods. All the children looked fantastic in their outfits, thank you to the parents who all made such a fantastic effort :)

Greek Warfare! During a visit from Tony North from time Trips, we learned about the Battle of Marathon and made shields and helmets in the style of the Ancient Greeks. We then re-enacted the battle on the school field, trying to perfect the phalanx formation the Ancient Greeks used. Our class governor, Mrs Sanders, also joined in the fun on the battlefield!

We had fun in our PSHE this afternoon taking part in some team building games!
