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We are thrilled to share that we have just received Emotionally Friendly Setting accreditation in recognition of our commitment to positive mental health and wellbeing of children and staff.
Care, Learn, Achieve

Class Information

Homework - Will be given every Friday to be completed and uploaded to Seesaw by the following Friday.

Spellings - Will be given every Friday (on Seesaw) to be practised throughout the week on Spelling Shed and tested the following Friday.

Times tables - A weekly times table focus will be set every Friday to be practised throughout the week and tested the following Friday. 

P.E - P.E will be every Wednesday. Children should come into school in their P.E kit for that day. Earrings should not be worn on P.E. days.  

Seesaw information - Homework and home learning activities will be set on Seesaw.

How to access Seesaw: 

Google - or Download the Seesaw App.

Scan the QR code that was given to your child - this will automatically log you in. 

Complete the homework activity/home learning activities required and upload to Seesaw so that I can check you work. 

