Welcome to Year 6
There are 30 children in our class. Our teacher is Mrs. Kelly, our teaching assistant is Miss Winstanley and our class governor is Mrs. Marsh.
Friday, 10th July
Hi Year 6,
I hope that you have all enjoyed this week's 'Music' topic as I know how many fantastic musicians we have in class. The final Learning Project for this coming week will be Space and Week 14 Transition activities focus on your successes throughout your time at school. You will be able to reflect on what you have enjoyed and achieved throughout your time in primary school life.
Whilst your time at Boothstown may not have ended as planned, or in a way which truly recognises how fantastic you all are as individuals, we still endeavour to celebrate in a fitting way. As mentioned last week, we have made arrangements for a Virtual Leavers' Assembly and Year 6 Family Picnic which will take place this Thursday (Zoom details will be sent out via text on Wednesday). During both of these sessions, we will be able to share compiled video memories, photographs and say our last goodbyes. Links to these Animotos will be texted following the Zoom meeting so that they can then be watched at home. You will also be invited to collect your Leaver’s Package that will include your school books, your leaver’s pen, a school Bible and the Leavers’ Year Book, organised by the PTA.
I look forward to finally seeing you all again this week.
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs. Kelly
Friday, 3rd July
Hi Year 6,
I hope that you have all enjoyed this week's 'Around the World' topic. The Learning Project for this coming week will be Music and Week 13 Transition activities focus on your individual qualities that make you unique and special. It will give you the opportunity to reflect upon what you like, dislike and excel in too.
I have also attached EdStart's 'Virtual Sports Week' which will replace our annual Sports Day, alongside details of how to partake in the 'Silly Squad Summer Reading Challenge'.
Once again, the PTA have organised a fundraiser whereby '2020 Lockdown' keepsakes can be ordered accordingly. Please see below for further details.
Thanks, once again, to those of you who have sent in 'Boothstown Memory' video clips. As you now know, we are thrilled to be able to invite you all to both a Virtual Leavers' Assembly and Year 6 Family Picnic on Thursday, 16th July. During both these sessions, we will be able to share compiled memories, photographs and celebrate you all as the fabulous Y6 class which you have been. I look forward to seeing you all again very soon.
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs. Kelly
Friday, 26th June
Hi Year 6,
I hope that you have all enjoyed this week's 'Famous and Significant People' topic. The Learning Project for this coming week will be Around the World and Week 12 Transition activities focus on building your independence for your transition to secondary school. You will have the opportunity to plan for the different lessons you will have and to organise a time for your studies at home.
Thanks to those of you who have sent in your 'Boothstown Memory' video clips; they are fantastic! If you have not already done so, please record one short memory (maximum 10 seconds, e.g. "I remember when...") which then needs to be emailed to BMPSKeepingintouch@gmail.com.
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs. Kelly
Friday, 19th June
Hi Year 6,
I hope that you have all enjoyed this week's Rainforest topic. The Learning Project for this coming week will be Famous People and Week 11 Transition activities focus on who you can turn to and how to form friendships with other children when going to secondary school. It will give you the opportunity to create strategies to make friends, stay in touch with other children from primary school and the importance of staying safe online. You can also keep working on Joyful June Acts of Kindness and the June Maths Masters Daily Challenge too.
In order to celebrate your time here at Boothstown Methodist, I would like to compile a video-montage of all your special memories from over the years. This week, an additional challenge for you all is to record one short memory (maximum 10 seconds, e.g. "I remember when...") which then needs to be emailed to BMPSKeepingintouch@gmail.com. I look forward to seeing these and finding out about what has made school so special for you over the years.
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs. Kelly
Friday, 12th June
Hi Year 6,
I hope that you have all had a lovely week and enjoyed the Sport Learning Project. It has been great seeing and working with so many of you this week too. I am pleased to know that, despite these trying times, so many of you have maintained an excellent work-ethic and fantastic attitude. Well done, Year 6!
The Learning Project for this coming week will be The Rainforest and Week 10 Transition activities focus on how you can become organised for secondary school. You will be able to reflect on what you will need to take with you, how you will get to school, what meal choices you can make and even how to tie a tie. You can also keep working on Joyful June Acts of Kindness and the June Maths Masters Daily Challenge too.
I have included a link which enables PDFs to be converted into Word documents for those of you who have been struggling to do so. I hope that this helps.
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs. Kelly
Friday, 5th June
Hi Year 6,
Next week will be very different for several of you when you return back to school. Miss Taylor, Miss Kearsley and I are all looking forward to seeing those of you who will be in our groups and we will enjoy hearing about what you have been doing over the past few weeks.
Next week's Learning Project will be 'Sport', which I am certain many of you will particularly enjoy! For the next six weeks, there will also be a ‘Transition’ planner included with the Learning Project. Alongside the current High School Transition folder, the activities included in these weekly planners will focus specifically on your move to High School and into Year 7. Beneath these planners, I have also uploaded a Joyful June Acts of Kindness calendar, which includes thirty actions to look after ourselves and each other during the current ongoing situation. Hopefully, you are also continuing with the June Maths Masters Daily Challenge too.
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs. Kelly
Friday, 29th May
Hi Year 6,
This week's weather has been beautiful so I hope that you have all managed to enjoy yourselves and have had a lovely rest too.
Well done to those of you who have taken part in our PTA's Lockdown Art Competition. All entries are to be submitted by Tuesday, 2nd June and I look forward to seeing our Y6 entries.
Our next Learning Project, ‘Under the Sea', takes a slightly different format to previous weeks but I am sure that you will still find the activities and suggestions enjoyable. I have also included a June Maths Masters Daily Challenge beneath the weekly planner so take a look and challenge yourselves to talk to the people at home and show off what you know!
Take care and safe safe,
Mrs. Kelly
Friday, 22nd May
Hello Year 6,
I hope that you have all had another great week.
With it being half term, there will be no White Rose, BBC or Learning Projects set this week. You can still, however, access Sumdog, Spelling Shed and Times Tables Rock Stars if you wish to do so.
This week, the PTA have organised a 'Lockdown Art Competition', whereby you can create a piece of artwork which reflects the lockdown period. I look forward to seeing your creative and artistic talents.
Hopefully, you have also been able to access the 'High School Transition' folder, which I will continue to update, as I liaise further with your High School teachers.
Finally, thanks to those of you who have already helped your parents to select and send in toddler pictures; they are all fantastic and I can not wait for you to see them.
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs. Kelly
Friday, 15th May
Hello, Year 6,
It was lovely being able to speak to so many of you this week. I am delighted to know that you are all well and pleased to hear just how hard you are all working. Keep it up! You are making me very proud. Thank you to those of you who are continuing to send in pictures to BMPSKeepingintouch@gmail.com and for sharing some of the fabulous work you are completing. It really is great to see how you are getting on at home and they are all in the Y6 Home Learning Photos folder for you to look at.
This week's Learning Project is 'Celebrations' so take a look at the learning suggestions, alongside the White Rose, BBC and Hamilton resources, on our webpage. If you have not already done so, also have a look through the High School Transition folder too.
This week, I have sent a message to your parents, asking for them to start gathering extra cute, somewhat embarrassing, toddler photos of you all for our own 'Y6 Celebration' video. I look forward to seeing what I receive .
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs. Kelly
Friday, 8th May
Hello, Year 6,
Well done for yet another great week. I hope that you have all enjoyed the new materials in the Home Learning area (White Rose, BBC, Hamilton Trust). The EdStart P.E Challenge continues too, so be active, push yourselves and keep those pictures coming!
Today marks the 75th anniversary of V.E Day. Hopefully, you have all taken time to think about those who risked so much for so many. You may be celebrating yourself too with something particularly special. If so, I’d love to hear all about it.
Next week's 'Food' project should be enjoyable to focus on. Let's see who can share some really creative work with the class.
I have also added a new 'High School Transition' folder to our webpage. There are some really useful video links and activities there for you to take a look at.
Keep working hard and trying your best. Remember to take care and stay safe too.
Mrs. Kelly
Friday, 1st May
Hello, Year 6,
I hope that you have all had a great week, working hard, staying safe and spending time with loved ones. Well done to you all for continuing to access the Home Learning activities. Hopefully, you have enjoyed the BBC Bitesize lessons. There are also additional Hamilton Trust and White Rose Maths resources on our Y6 webpage too. Keep trying your best; you are all doing a great job!
You will notice that there are some additional activities in this week's Learning Project. Friday, 8th May marks the 75th anniversary of V.E Day. There are video links and activities which you may find of interest, particularly in light of having learnt about World War Two in Y6.
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, observer by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community. This year, Ramadan takes place between April 23rd to May 23rd. At the end of Ramadan, Muslims partake in Eid al-Fitr, which means the 'Festival of the Breaking of the Fast,' You will find activities and resources related to Ramadan in this week's learning folder.
This month, EdStart are challenging you to keep as active as you can throughout lockdown. I know just how competitive some of you are, Y6, so this should be great fun! See if you can take part in the 'May 2020 - P.E Everyday Challenge.' What level can you achieve? I would love to see how you get on with these activities, as well as any other work completed or skills achieved whilst at home. Keep sending your messages and pictures through to BMPSKeepingintouch@gmail.com
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs. Kelly
Hi Year 6
Well done to you all for another great week. You have been accessing the work online which is fantastic; you continue to make me very proud.
You may also notice that there are now links to both BBC Bitesize (https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zncsscw/year-6-lessons/1) and White Rose Maths (https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/) on the weekly planner. You can now work through these as you have been doing with all the other activities.
Keep on sending in photos, Y6. It is great for me to see what fabulous things you are doing at the moment.
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs. Kelly
Hello, Year 6.
I hope that you are all doing well, working hard and keeping safe. I also hope that you have enjoyed your Easter Break and eaten plenty of eggs too!
Well done to each and every one of you for all your hard work over these past few weeks.
As well as accessing the set weekly activities, please remember to read regularly and keep logging onto Timetables Rockstars and Spelling Shed.
Continue to take care and I shall look forward to hearing from you all very soon to see just how hard you have all been working.
Mrs Kelly
Stockport Air Raid Shelters and Museum Trip
Y6 had a fantastic time at Stockport Air raid shelters and museum, experiencing life as a WW2 evacuee. We learned about how the public shelters in Stockport offered protection for thousands of people during the war, alongside experiencing the 'Home Front' at Stockport museum.
Fred Longworth Taster Morning
Year 6 had a great morning at Fred Longworth High School. They were able to experience Google Sketch Up during a Design Technology lesson, and asked probing questions during a problem-solving English lesson. Many thanks to all the staff involved who made the morning both memorable and pleasurable.