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We are thrilled to share that we have just received Emotionally Friendly Setting accreditation in recognition of our commitment to positive mental health and wellbeing of children and staff.
Care, Learn, Achieve

Y2-Y3 Transition

Hello Y2,

It seems a long time since we have all been together in school. I have certainly missed being with you every Thursday. I have already told Mrs Foster what a fantastic class you are and she is really looking forward to getting to know you all.

It may feel strange thinking about coming back to school, but you will soon be used to coming into class again and we will all be here to welcome you back.

I am really looking forward to teaching you all in Y3 - I really enjoyed our time together in Y2- you always made me smile.

We have some exciting topics to cover in Y3 and hopefully we will have lots of fun along the way.

I have included the topics we will cover in Y3 below.

I have also put some activities you may want to try over the summer in the folder below.

I hope you all have a great summer, we will see you in September, refreshed and ready to start in Y3!

Take care

Miss Taylor & Mrs Foster

What will my child need to bring to school in September?


  • The only items your child needs to bring to school each day are their coat, their water bottle and an appropriate snack ( no nuts please)
  • Water jugs and cups will no longer be available in the classrooms. Each child must bring their own water bottle.
  • For the first few weeks children will not need a school bag.
  • All the equipment your child will need, including pencil cases, will be provided by school.
  • Your child will have their own personal resources, kept in their pencil case. This will minimise the need to share resources.


  • Packed lunches:   If required, a packed lunch can provided from home  as usual.


  • PE:  Children will still need a PE kit, please place this into a draw string bag that can be easily hung onto a coat peg.
  • Initially reading books will be kept in school. 
  • Teachers will inform you in September how they would like you to support your child’s reading skills at home.

Welcome: An all-age assembly about welcoming each other
