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We are thrilled to share that we have just received Emotionally Friendly School (EFS) accreditation in recognition of our commitment to positive mental health and wellbeing of children and staff.
Care, Learn, Achieve

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

There are 30 children in our class. Our teacher is Mrs Jones and our teaching assistants are Mrs Smith, Mrs Lomas and Mrs Stone. 

Our broad bean plants are beginning to grow!

Planting our beans today! We have also decided to investigate what will happen to beans under different conditions. We have put one in the cupboard so that it has no light, one in the fridge so it is very cold, we are giving one bean no water and another no soil!

Making and our tasting our fruit kebabs, yum yum!

Today we looked at the art work of Andy Goldsworthy. We went out onto the field and worked in small groups to create our own piece of Land Art using natural materials we could find!

Year 1 had a fantastic time tasting exotic fruits on Wednesday afternoon!

Using control technology to move a Bee-Bot around using an iPad app and a Bee-Bot on a map.

Today in Science we observed our shadows outside! We went out in the morning to draw around our shadows and then in the afternoon we observed how the shapes of our shadows had changed. We then made our own shadow puppets in the classroom.

Y1 all looking fantastic in their World Book Day costumes!

As part of our World Book Day celebrations we each designed a potato in the style of a knight to fit in with our current topic!

We had a fun arts and crafts afternoon today, making penguin snow-globes and melting snowman biscuits as part of our Polar Regions topic!

Today a Lowry artist came to work with us! We learned how to draw penguins and then made our own penguin models. We also created a South Pole background where our penguins could live, using paints and glue. We all had a fantastic day!

Today we celebrated number day by revising our number bonds! We painted them, drew them with chalk and completed colouring activity sheets!

In our English lesson today we looked at instructions. We ordered a set of instructions telling us how to make hot chocolate and then we made some! It was delicious!

Today the weather was very cold! It even hailstoned! We took advantage of the cold weather to compare today with our Autumn observations. Outside we looked at the things we could see, hear, smell and feel. We all noticed how cold it was and how some of us were wearing different clothing such as hats, scarves and gloves to keep us warm.

In Science today we had to group objects in the correct categories: plastic, metal, wood, glass and water.

Today we found a special delivery in the classroom. We each predicted what we thought might be inside the box after looking at the clues, we discovered that it was a penguin! We are now going to read the story to find out why he has arrived in Boothstown!

In maths today we were learning how to find 1 more or 1 less than a 2-digit number, we played a card game to help us. It was lots of fun!

We arrived back after the Christmas holidays to discover that Father Christmas had left us two presents! After opening them, we wrote thank you letters to him. We were all very excited and happy to receive our gifts!

In maths we have been learning about ordinal numbers. Ten of us took part in a race outside and the rest of the class had to award each participant with the correct rosette from 1st to 10th place.

We went on a minibeast hunt this afternoon in our woodland trail. Working together, we found some minibeasts hiding in the dark, damp soil and recorded them on our sheets.

We had a fantastic Superhero Day today! We took part in lots of art and craft superhero activities throughout the day. A brilliant way to finish off our "Who is your Superhero?" topic! Well done Y1!

Today we used real fruit and vegetables to design our own heroes and villains based on Supertato Veggies Assemble. We decorated the vegetables and then wrote a speech bubble for them.

As part of No Pens Day, in maths we took part in a carousel of activities. 1. Who can be the fastest at ordering the numbers 1-20? 2. Sort objects into the sorting hoops using your own criteria. 3. Who can be the fastest at ordering the numicon pieces correctly and then putting them back in the box the right way?

In Science this afternoon we had to help the office staff with a problem! They want to order gloves and shoes to wear outside in the winter for the children but aren’t sure which sizes to order. We had to answer the question: “Do people with bigger hands have the biggest feet?” We worked in partners to draw around each other’s hands and feet with chalk outside and then measured them with cubes. We had worked so hard being scientists that Mrs Jones then let us become artists with the chalk and we drew some lovely pictures!

This afternoon we went on an autumn walk in our woodland trail to see if we could find any evidence that autumn has begun!

We had fun in maths this morning learning how to recognise the patterns on a dice and a domino!

Practising writing our numbers 1-20 and our domino and dice arrays outside with chalk :)

This afternoon in our Science lesson, we were Scientists. We had to look at baby/toddler photographs of all of our classmates and guess who they were! We then compared the baby photograph with the 5 year old version and discussed the differences and similarities between them.

Archive - Our time in Reception!


We had 30 children in our Reception class and we had four key groups:






Our class teacher was Miss Neill and our teaching assistants were Mrs Garfield and Mrs Lomas. 


Our Day in Reception

Reception doors open at 8:55am. When the children enter the classroom they put their coats and bags away and choose what option they would like for their lunch. It is then choosing time in the classroom and they can pick an area to take part in play-based learning. Throughout this time the children will also complete teacher focus activities, including individual reading. 

After we have stopped and tidied our classroom, it is time for our number groups. Every day we have a 25 minute math session that includes both number activities and shape, space and measure activities. Once we have finished our number time, we have our snack and then it's time for phonics. Our phonics session is also 25 minutes and always includes both reading and writing skills.

Straight after lunch Reception have a topic session based on their current topic, which changes every half term.

The afternoons in Reception are as follows:

On Monday we have outdoor P.E lessons.

On Tuesday half of the class completes activities outside whilst the other half takes part in guided reading tasks.

On Wednesday we have dance lessons. 

On Thursday the other half of the class completes activities outside whilst the rest take part in guided reading tasks.

On Friday we have music lessons.

Reception's school day finishes at 3:15.



In the final term in Reception, the Reception teacher will liaise with the child’s Year 1 teacher. The Reception teacher will discuss each child's development in relation to the early learning goals in order to support a smooth transition to Year 1.



We learn through a play based topic curriculum called The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Our learning takes place in both indoor and outdoor settings. For more information see our Early Years page.

Feel free to call in to see our teachers if you have anything you would like to discuss

Class photos! A letter will be coming home to ask for you to select which of the two photos you would like to order. The £6 can be paid via parentpay. 