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We are thrilled to share that we have just received Emotionally Friendly Setting accreditation in recognition of our commitment to positive mental health and wellbeing of children and staff.
Care, Learn, Achieve

Parent Information


Our week in Reception

We start school at 8:55am. EYFS children enter school at 8.50 through the EYFS door. 

School ends at 3.15 and children are picked up at the EYFS door. All children have a password for pick up.


Every day we have;

  • Indoor and outdoor provision.
  • A phonics session from 9.05-9.30.
  • A maths group session. 
  • Natter chatter snack time. 
  • Stories as a class.
  • A tapastry sharing time (where children share photos and news from home). 


Every week we have;

  • Individual and group reading.
  • A music session with Mrs Garfield.
  • A gymnastics session with Jenny Chadwick.
  • A sports session with Chris Yates. 

