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We are thrilled to share that we have just received Emotionally Friendly School (EFS) accreditation in recognition of our commitment to positive mental health and wellbeing of children and staff.
Care, Learn, Achieve

Class Information

Our Day in Reception


Our day in Reception begins with the children hanging up their coats, putting their school bag away and self-registering. We then sit on the carpet, ready to familiarise the children with routines of the day.


On a Tuesday morning, we have gymnastics with our specialist teacher, Jenny Gym.


During the day, children access flexible topic-based learning which is adapted and based on their particular interests. Our daily areas of provision include writing, construction, creative, role-play, small world, investigation, reading, maths, and the outdoor area and garden. All activities are carefully planned to bring on the children’s learning and cater for individual next steps in all seven areas of learning. We have short daily literacy, maths and topic sessions which are followed up with small group work activities and independent activities in our provision. In the afternoon, children have a RWI phonics session where they will learn to read and write Set 1 and 2 sounds throughout the year. Children access their snack in the morning via our 'Reception Cafe' which provides a selection of healthy snack options. We also have an afternoon snack of fruit with story-time at the end of each day.
