Reception information
Our Day in Reception
We start school at 8:55am. Our day in Reception begins with the children hanging up their coat up, putting their school bag, water and snack away and self-registering independently. We then sit on the carpet ready to do the register and go through the visual timetable and familiarise the children with routines. We then begin phonics in groups.
After the carpet session we join adult led tasks and access indoor and outdoor provision.
Every afternoon we have maths taught session after lunch and and a story before we go home.
Other timetabled activities include music on a Wednesday, gymnastics with Jenny on a Tuesday and multi sports with Chris on a Thursday.
For reception children home time is at 3:15 pm. Each child has a password used for pick up.
We learn through play in the Early Years and have a mix of child-led and adult-led learning opportunities each day. We teach 1:1, in small groups and some whole class sessions.
During a typical day the children have a phonics session, maths session and adult led activity where they learn using a multi-sensory approach. These sessions take place in small groups to ensure that each child is learning and developing at the appropriate level.
We learn through a play based topic curriculum and follow the Early Years Framework, as well as Development Matters (these can be found under the useful information section).