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Welcome to our Governors' page. 

Please find below details of how our Governing board is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.   

Welcome from the Chair of the Governing Board


My name is Kim Law and I am Chair of Governors here at Boothstown Methodist Primary School, having been a member of the governing body for more than 15 years. The governors are an elected group of people, including members of our Church, teachers, parents and members of the local community. We work as a team with the Headteacher and her staff team, for the benefit of all the pupils.

Our aim and ethos is simple and that is to ensure that each child achieves their personal best in a happy, safe, caring and stimulating environment.

We're all volunteers and have a diverse background, from Marketing, HR, Finance, Teaching, Social Care, Nursing and IT to name just some of the skillmix in our group. We’re here to give the school strategic direction and to act as ‘a critical friend’ – helping to guide the school to improving the standard of education for all our children. We don’t get involved in the day-to-day operation of the school, but set the criteria by which the school is managed. We ensure that local and national government legislation and targets are met, that we spend our school budget wisely, that the safety of everyone is paramount, and that the curriculum is delivered in an exciting and stimulating manner to all children.

We are a Methodist school with close links to the local chapel. Rev Darren Garfield, our minister, comes into school every week to take assemblies and has taken an active role within the school helping out and giving valuable support wherever possible. The ethos of the school is definitely based on Christian ideals and many of our children are regular attendees at Church and Sunday School.

Pupils at our school have a happy, safe and caring environment in which to learn. The over-riding ethos of the whole school community is to strive to make our children confident in themselves, sensitive to others, interested in the world around them and prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Governors take an active role in the school, not only attending meetings, but also school functions, undertaking visits to classrooms and helping out with school visits.

We operate an ‘open door’ policy where parents, carers, friends and governors are always
welcome to come into school. So if you haven’t already experienced our school then please call to arrange a visit and we will be delighted to show you around.


Kim Law



Nominating Authority

First Appointed

Term Start

Term End


Co-opted governors






Kim Law



24 Sep 2023

23 Sep 2027


Mrs Nicola Marsh



24 Sep 2023

23 Sep 2027


Miss Keeley Sutton


23 Jan 2023

23 Jan 2023

22 Jan 2027


Vacancy (1)












Foundation Ex-Officio






Rev Darren Garfield


01 Sep 2016










Foundation governors






Mr Peter Irwin



14 Oct 2023

13 Oct 2027


Mrs Joan Marshall



14 Mar 2021

13 Mar 2025














Miss Karen Armfield












Local Authority Governors






Mr Trevor Kinch



10 Oct 2023

09 Oct 2027








Parent governors






Mr Liam Peers


08 Nov 2023

08 Nov 2023

07 Nov 2027


Mr James Toole


28 May 2023

28 May 2023

27 May 2027


Vacancy (1)






Mrs Michelle  Zelazowski


22 Jan 2020

22 Jan 2024

21 Jan 2028








Staff governors






Ms Gemma Duckett


01 Mar 2023

01 Mar 2023

28 Feb 2027






