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We are thrilled to share that we have just received Emotionally Friendly Setting accreditation in recognition of our commitment to positive mental health and wellbeing of children and staff.
Care, Learn, Achieve

Worship Council

Our Worship Council is made up of two representatives from each class from Year 2 to 6, who are voted for by their peers during Democracy Week. 


Worship Council have many roles within our school, including:


  • promote reflection and collective worship around the school
  • work with their peers to gather pupil voice that helps to guide and structure collective worship and reflection 
  • contribute ideas for prayers
  • to help set up, maintain and support their classes Prayer Space
  • work closely with staff and Reverend Garfield to promote the school values


Remember, even if you are not the chosen representative this year, everyone has an important part to play in the life of our school and demonstrating daily the Methodist values that we are proud of. If you have any good ideas of how we can show our value each half term in school, please speak to your Worship Councillors.

Worship Council gathered pupil voice about their introduction of Dojo's for showing behaviours that demonstrate our school values. They felt it has been really positive and is encouraging both staff and pupils to highlight and praise the positive behaviour. 

Worship Council set all classes a competition to create their own woolly jumper for Christmas Jumper Day. Well done to Year 1 who created the winning design!

Autumn Term 2


Worship Council gathered pupil voice for the Worship display and decided they would like all of the values displayed, possibly with a 'well done' area to highlight good behaviours linked to the values. 

Worship Council planned activities and ways to support Christmas Jumper Day in school on 12th December. 


Autumn Term 1


Worship Council met to discuss their role in school this year. They are spending time with their classes to gather pupil voice on how to best use the Worship display, they had ideas such as books linked to our values, or possible example prayers that children could access. 

