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Care, Learn, Achieve

Worship Council

Our Worship Council is made up of two representatives from each class from Year 2 to 6, who are voted for by their peers during Democracy Week. Each child had the opportunity to present their vision to their class and then children choose their two class representatives.

Remember, even if you are not the chosen representative this year, everyone has an important part to play in the life of our school and demonstrating daily the Methodist values that we are proud of. If you have any good ideas of how we can show our value each half term in school, please speak to your Worship Councillors.

Spring term 1


Worship Prayers 

Worship Council got the opportunity to write prayers that may be featured in The Methodist Prayer Handbook. Our 2 winning entries are awaiting to hear if they have been selected to get published! 

Worship Council have been invited to share their Prayers and help deliver Education Day in church during the first week back after Easter.

Autumn Term 2


Remembrance Day

Some of our KS2 Worship representatives helped sell poppies to raise money for the Armed Forces Community. The whole school took part in a Remembrance Service. 


Autumn Term 1



Worship Council have been busy organising Harvest collections and speaking in the Harvest assembly. The Wrap Up Salford and Church’s food bank were great causes to support, and we want to thank everyone for all the generous donations.


Prayer Day

Every class had the opportunity to visit the Church for Prayer Day. We worked with Reverend Garfield and Worship Council who helped us complete a rotation of 5 activities:
Paper chain prayers
Fizzy prayers
Contemplation bottles and quiet prayers
Bubbles prayers
Play-doh prayers

Each class then set up their own Prayer Space in their classrooms.


Our new Worship Sketchbook

Every week Years 1 to 6 attend a Worship assembly, led by Reverend Garfield. These are often focussed around the terms Methodist Value, as well as religious holidays and celebrations. 

This year we have introduced our Worship Sketchbook which will document, through art expression, the key themes from each assembly. Our representatives from Year 6 will start the Worship sketchbook during our first assembly of the year. It will then be added to each week and displayed outside the hall by the R.E board. 
