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We are thrilled to share that we have just received Emotionally Friendly School (EFS) accreditation in recognition of our commitment to positive mental health and wellbeing of children and staff.
Care, Learn, Achieve


In Reception our class teacher is Miss Neill and our teaching assistants are Mrs Garfield and Mrs O'Malley. We have 30 children in Reception and Reverend Garfield is our class Governor. 

We had lots of fun baking Gingerbread men today as part of our traditional tales topic. They were so yummy!

Reception showed amazing football and team skills during their first 4 and 5 a side matches in P.E last week!

Reception had so much fun celebrating NSPCC's Number Day!

We have started our Lifecycles topic by learning about frogs. Throughout this term we will grow frogs, caterpillars and chicks.

Reception had lots of fun posting their letters to Santa!

We have been learning about Diwali and have created our own Rangoli patterns and henna hand designs.

Reception have enjoyed learning about Harvest festival. We have been harvesting our crops in our Harvest themed tuff tray this week.

During their 'How Am I Special' topic Reception have stated to look into how jobs can make people special too. Today we changed our role-play area into a Health Centre and were very busy helping our visitors and babies!

Reception learnt all about how important it is to help make people happy and be good friends on Hello Yellow Day in support of Mental Health awareness. We all spoke about what makes us happy and we had a really fun day with lost of big smiles!
