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Care, Learn, Achieve

Supporting Your Child's Maths Learning

Please find a variety of resources below that you can use with your child at home to help improve your child's maths knowledge and confidence in an enjoyable way.

Times Table Rockstars

Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of times tables practice. This format has been shown to very successfully boost children's times tables recall speed whilst being fun! Children are given the opportunity to play on TTRS in their classes once a week and extra practice at home helps them to become more confident and fluent.


Sumdog is an online maths programme for children aged 5-14. Encourage them to love learning as they play games, practise maths and have fun!  Download Sumdog here.


A great website for searching for a specific maths skill your child would like to pracitise, such as fractions or multiples.

Find a range of maths games here.
