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We are thrilled to share that we have just received Emotionally Friendly Setting accreditation in recognition of our commitment to positive mental health and wellbeing of children and staff.
Care, Learn, Achieve

Class Information

We start school at 8:55 am. Our day in Reception begins with the children hanging up their coat up, emptying their school bag, self registering, choosing their lunch option and joining Miss Robinson for dough disco. All before 9.00!


We begin the days teaching with our phonics groups. Phonics is taught in groups according to children’s next steps.

After phonics we split between an adult led activity and indoor and outdoor provision (continuous snack). We have a snack table that the children are independent using and this can be accessed at any point during provision time.

Each week children read individually to a Teacher and take part in guided group reading. 


Other timetabled activities include music on a Tuesday morning in the hall after phonics and maths. On a Friday afternoon we have gymnastics with our specialist gym teacher in the school hall. Every Wednesday morning before phonics we join the whole school for a church assembly and on a Friday we join the whole school for a celebration assembly.

For Reception children home time is at 3:15 pm. Each child has a password used for pick up.


Individual Reading

Our reading days are

Monday Red group


Tuesday Blue group


Wednesday Green group


Friday Yellow group
