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Care, Learn, Achieve

Year 4

Welcome to our Y4 class page.  There are 30 children in our class.  Our teacher is Mr Twist and our teaching assistant is Mrs Patel.  Our class governor is Mrs Birch.

Our Class

10th July 2020

Hello Year 4


As we approach the final week of term, I’d like to say that it has been a pleasure to have you all as my first class as a newly qualified teacher. It will certainly be a year to remember and I only wish we could have spent a great deal more time together. I hope that you all stay safe and that you all have a great summer, so you are ready for Miss Kearsley to welcome you back in September.


There are some final tasks for you to complete in the home learning which I hope you enjoy.


I just want to say thank you to each and every one of you. You have all been fantastic and are all truly great assets to Boothstown Methodist. I’d like to finish this week with the prayer by John Wesley;


Do all the good you can,

By all the means you can,

In all the ways you can,

In all the places you can,

At all the times you can,

To all the people you can,

As long as ever you can.




Keep safe, God Bless and thank you once again.


Mr Twist


Friday 3rd July.

Hello Year 4,


The weather has now taken a step back to a more pleasant level. How did you get on with the Home Learning Projects with your chosen country?

This week’s Home Learning  theme is music, focusing on famous musicians, listening to and performing music and exploring a range of music genres. It also allows lots of opportunities to create your own musical instruments. Check out this video of a boy making a xylophone out of milk bottles. making a musical instument. Maybe you could make your own? Don’t forget to share your creations with us.

There is also a leaflet on this week’s Home Learning page about the Summer Reading Challenge, which is organised by Salford Library services. The leaflet gives details of how you can access e-book and audio books over the summer break.

This week I have been writing your reports and  it has been nice remembering all the happy times before the lockdown and also remembering how hard you have all worked.

Lastly, if you haven’t done so already please watch Rev Garfield’s latest assembly. Something he mentioned in this week’s video resonated and struck a chord with me and is very true. That is smiling,t ry smiling at someone and watch their reaction. It doesn’t cost a penny and yet the results are priceless. Watch his full assembly here Rev Garfield's Assembly

Finally, to steal a saying of Miss Wright; “Keep Smiling”


Keep Safe and God Bless


Mr Twist


26th June 2020

Hello Y4


Wow! What a scorcher! We had the hottest day of the year so far this week. I hope that you managed to get some sun cream on and enjoy  the sun.


How did you get on with your chat with a significant person? This week’s Home Learning is ‘Around the World’. This is a great opportunity to research a country of your choice. Somewhere you may wish to visit there in the future. What language is spoken there? What is the weather like? It would be great if you could create a fact file. You could also ask an adult to send your work to


I would research Australia, especially the northern state of Queensland.  This is where the ‘Great Barrier Reef’ is located – the largest coral reef system in the world! I first saw pictures and heard about the Great Barrier Reef when I was your age, in year 4. I made a promise to myself then, that one day I would visit and swim with the marine life there. This past few months has strengthened my desire to go and now I can take my family with me. I’d love to hear about your chosen country.


As always, keep safe and God Bless.


Mr Twist

19th June 2020

Hello Year 4,


Yeah! Football has now come back! Slowly and carefully we are now seeing the green shoots towards a recovery. I hope and pray that you are all continuing to stay safe.

This week’s learning project is covering famous significant people. Which famous person would you most like to have a chat with? What would you ask them? What would you like to find out? I’d like to talk with William Shakespeare and ask him where he got the ideas from to write some of his plays. Please  share your ideas with me.

I hope that you all have a great week, keep safe and God Bless,


Mr Twist

15th June  

Hello Year 4
I hope that you and your families continue to be well and that you have settled back into the home learning tasks after the last half term.
You will notice this week that there is a link on the Home Learning page which enables ‘PDF’s’  to be converted into word documents. This may prove to be very useful.
As usual, alongside the Learning Projects there is also the BBC Bitesize lessons, White Rose maths resources and Hamilton resources, all of which aim to make your learning  fun.
Thank you for your continued hard work, I can see that many of you are using times tables rock stars and this is great to see.
Lastly, have you been keeping up to date with Rev Garfield’s assemblies? You can see the latest one here: .  I always find that they are always very uplifting and both myself and my own children enjoy singing along.  Whilst talking about the message of Pentecost he quotes ‘I am with you… I will never leave you… trust in me and I will never let you go’.
I think in the world that we are living in now, these are very powerful words. This assembly also contains one of my favourite songs ‘My Lighthouse’, that I admit I am singing to myself as I am writing this.
Continue keeping safe and God Bless,
Mr Twist

Hello Year 4,


I hope that you have settled back into home learning again after the half term break.

 Last week we saw a monumental moment in space travel, as the first commercial space craft blasted off from American soil. Well done to Mitchell for his research into space and our solar system. If you are ever stuck for which order the planets are in the solar system, you just need to remember Mitchell’s mnemonic

‘Mr Venus Eats My Jeans Sometimes Under Neptune’. Can you now place the planets in order?


We also saw a change in the weather this week, which after  such a long spell of sunshine it was refreshing to see. My gardens have certainly welcomed the rain.


This week’s learning project is all about Sport, which I know will please a great many of you. As always, please keep sending in pictures of your home learning to the usual address.


Above all, keep safe and God Bless.


Mr Twist

Hello Year 4,


I hope that you have managed to enjoy some of the sun that we have been blessed with during half term and that you and all your loved ones continue to be safe and well.


Did any of you attempt the PTA art competition? I would love to see some of them, please send them to the usual address.


The Home Learning will start again this week, as usual  there are also the resources from BBC Bitesize, Hamilton and White Rose.  Many of you are still playing Times Tables Rock Stars... in fact there is one child in our class who is very, very close to 100,000 lifetime coins!

 Can they surpass this colossal coin balance this week?

Don't forget if you want to share something that you have created then please ask an adult to take a picture and send it to BMPS

I love to see what you have been doing  and I will share it on our class page.


As always, keep well, stay safe and God Bless.


Mr Twist

Hello Year-4,

    It was lovely to see so many of you on the quiz on Thursday and  I hope that you are all continuing to be safe and well.

    I did really badly in the true or false round, I only scored 4 out of 10 and one of those was a guess! I learnt a lot from the quiz and would like to send out a huge ‘Thank You’ to Mrs Zelazowski for being the host and organising it. You did a sterling job and I think we ALL thoroughly enjoyed it, including my two children who kept popping in and out of the video.

    Next week is half term so there will be no Home Learning on the school website. However,  BBC Bitesize will continue with the daily lessons if you wish to take part.
    This week you will notice there is a PTA Art Competition that I’m sure will enthuse many of you  as I know we have many budding artists in Y4

. The winning entry will be framed in school for all to see for many years to come, so we can look back and remember these strange times.

    I hope you have a great half term, keep safe and God Bless.

    Mr Twist

Lockdown Art Competition

Hello Year 4


It has now been quite a long time since we have seen each other, I’m sure that you will also be missing your friends and school, but we need to keep going and staying positive. I’m proud of you all and miss being with you in school.


I have loved the pictures, videos and challenges coming through this week. If you have not done so already, have a look at the videos page. Evan & his brother have been conducting some science experiments.

If you’re up for a challenge you could attempt Isaac’s maths challenge… You could even ask adults in your family to attempt it also!

It has brightened up my days seeing the emails from you all, please do keep them coming through to and I will do my best to upload as many as possible to our class page.


Please have a look at this week’s  Home Learning along with the BBC Daily Lessons, White Rose Maths and the  Hamilton resources.


I hope that you all have a great week.


Keep Safe and God Bless.


Mr Twist

Hello Year 4,


I hope you are all still safe and well. This week we seen the celebration of the 75th Anniversary of VE day. In my neighbourhood everyone had their own tea party in their front garden and decorated their houses in red, white and blue.

In the  situation we are now  in, I believe one small silver lining, is that it has brought communities together.


I hope you are continuing to enjoy the BBC Bitesize lessons.  Links to White Rose Maths resources & Hamilton Maths & English work are also on the Y4 class page.

This week’s learning topic is all around food, so I;m will sure to be fun.

 Please keep sending your pictures to .


I hope you all have had a memorable  & enjoyable bank holiday weekend.


Keep Safe and God Bless.


Mr Twist


Hello Year 4,


I hope you are all still safe and well. This week we seen the celebration of the 75th Anniversary of VE day. In my neighbourhood everyone had their own tea party in their front garden and decorated their houses in red, white and blue.

In the  situation we are now  in, I believe one small silver lining, is that it has brought communities together.


I hope you are continuing to enjoy the BBC Bitesize lessons.  Links to White Rose Maths resources & Hamilton Maths & English work are also on the Y4 class page.

This week’s learning topic is all around food, so I;m sure  it will  be lots of fun.

 Please keep sending your pictures to .


I hope you  have all had a memorable  & enjoyable Bank Holiday weekend.


Keep Safe and God Bless.


Mr Twist


llo Year 4,


I hope you are all still safe and well. This week we seen the celebration of the 75th Anniversary of VE day. In my neighbourhood everyone had their own tea party in their front garden and decorated their houses in red, white and blue.

In the  situation we are now  in, I believe one small silver lining, is that it has brought communities together.


I hope you are continuing to enjoy the BBC Bitesize lessons.  Links to White Rose Maths resources & Hamilton Maths & English work are also on the Y4 class page.

This week’s learning topic is all around food, so I;m will sure to be fun.

 Please keep sending your pictures to .


I hope you all have had a memorable  & enjoyable bank holiday weekend.


Keep Safe and God Bless.


Mr Twist



Hello Year 4,

I hope that you are safe and well. I have really enjoyed looking at the pictures that have been coming through, and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing so many of you in the toilet roll challenge video! Please do keep these coming through. The email is


Next Friday, the 8th May, marks the 75th Anniversary of VE Day. This day has been declared a Bank Holiday. I wonder how people will celebrate and commemorate this day under our current circumstances.  My family have been colouring in Union Jack flags and bunting to decorate the front of our house, alongside our rainbows. If the weather is nice, we’re having an ‘isolation tea-party’ in our front garden. Our neighbours will be doing the same- in their front gardens. Are you planning on marking this day?  If you do, please send in some pictures via the Keep in Touch email address.


It was inspiring to see Captain Tom Moore, a hero from World War 2, mark his 100th birthday last week and receive a promotion to Colonel; he has raised an incredible amount of money for the NHS.


Next week’s home learning has now been uploaded onto Y4 class page. Don’t forget you can also use the BBC bitesize resources & the White Rose maths resources.


Above all keep well and keep safe.

Mr Twist

Hello Year 4


I hope that you have all had an inspiring, nice, safe week with your immediate families. We have been very busy here; Mrs Twist has been working every day, making sure people stay safe and Jessica and Thomas have also been very busy with their schoolwork. (But they have been cheeky  once or twice.) I hope you have all been good. J


This week the BBC has released some really good lessons on their bitesize website. I have had a look and there are some really good lessons you can do from home, my two children really enjoyed them and have given them their seal of approval! The link has been added to the Y4 Learning Projects. There is also a link to the ‘White Rose Maths’ lessons, which are equally fantastic. They have lots of tasks and helpful videos which you can watch before you start the tasks.


It was great to start seeing some photos this week of your home learning, please do keep sending these through to us here at the new e-mail address-


Yesterday, I sat down and watched Rev Garfield's assembly on ‘Perseverance’ with my family. If you have not watched it yet I urge you to do so. I really do like the songs that Rev Garfield  has selected and the messages behind them.


Please do take this time to embrace and enjoy time with your families and above all stay safe!


My thoughts and prayers are with you all.


Mr Twist


Hello Year 4,


I hope you all had a good Easter break and are enjoying the sunshine as much as possible.


We are in uncertain times, and in a period that future school children will learn about for many years to come. I hope you and your families are safe and well and making the most of your time together.


I am sorry I was not with you much last term, I have missed you all and look forward to seeing you all again soon, when it is safe for us all to return to school. School is incredibly important, but everyone’s health must come first.


Look after each other and be kind. No matter what happens this year, be yourselves and be proud of who you are. I am proud of you all.


Take care of yourselves and your families. Stay Safe,


Mr Twist
