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Applications for a place in our Nursery or Reception class for September 2025 should be made by 15th January 2025. This should be done via the Local Authority Admissions Portal
Care, Learn, Achieve

Y4 Home Learning Photos

Evan's Learning Journal is quickly filling up! Well Done Evan!

Mitchell's lasagne looks yummy! We're also very impressed with his creative skills. Also I love the VE Day Anderson Shelter. Fantastic creative skills. Also loving the innovative digestive system. Well done Mitch!

Inspired by the recent Space X launch, Mitch has been doing his own monumental research, being creative in designing and recreating the solar system and even created a mnemonic to remember the correct order of the planets! Again, Well Done Mitchell.

Happy Birthday Isaac, your lockdown cakes look amazing! Isaac has now completed his own Maths Challenge... Who can figure it out? Good Luck!

Elsa's Bug hotel and Amazing Short Story.

Love this weeks learning project from Olly... That Pizza sounds amazing! Also Olly has been doing his daily exercise and making a herb garden with his sister Ava. Well Done!

Huge Congratulations to Isaac, well deserved. Great story from a different perspective.
