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We are thrilled to share that we have just received Emotionally Friendly School (EFS) accreditation in recognition of our commitment to positive mental health and wellbeing of children and staff.
Care, Learn, Achieve

Year 2

Welcome to Y2! We have 29 children in our class. Our class teacher is Miss Kearsley, our teaching assistant is Mrs Patel and our class governor is Mrs Marsh. 

Spring 2 - Facing Our Fears

We had an overnight residential at Delamere forest. During our time there, we took part in activities such as: pond dipping, stream dipping, den building and we toasted marshmallows on a campfire! We had so much fun!

Spring 1 - What makes Britain so great?

Autumn 2 - How has flight changed throughout history?

Exploring microhabitats in Science.

Reading to our Y5 'reading buddies'.

STEM - LEGO WEDO programming workshop

We had a very special visit from a pilot. 

Autumn 1 - The Great Fire of London

Making Tudor houses

Our Tudor houses

Science - testing materials
