If you are a parent looking for a Nursery or Reception place for your child for September 2025, please come along to our Open Evening, Thursday 7th November between 3:30pm and 5:30pm. There will be a chance for you and your child to explore our Early Years environment, chat to us about the school in general, take a tour of the school and speak with our Early Years staff about our fantastic Early Years Provision.
As far as possible, the school admissions team will try to offer your child a place at your preferred school.
Places in schools are limited by the physical space in the school. Each school has an admission number which is based on the size of the school. If the number of pupils requiring places is more than the admission number then not every child will be successful in getting a place. This is what we mean when a school is said to be ‘oversubscribed'.
If the school is oversubscribed the places will be allocated using the following admission criteria:
Where there are more children in one particular criterion than the number of places available, places will be allocated to the children whose home address is nearest the school. The distance will be measured in a straight line using LLPG information to measure the distance between the address point of the child's home address and the centre of the school in miles. Those children whose home address is closest to the school will be those who get priority for places.
In the event of a tie, where two or more pupils' home address is the same distance from the preferred school and only one place is available, random allocation will be used. This will be carried out by an independent person. Eligible names will be placed in a hat. One name will be drawn from the hat and the remaining place will be offered to that person. This process for random allocation also applies to the waiting list where two or more pupils are eligible for one vacancy and live the same distance from the preferred school.
No child can automatically transfer from nursery to a reception class. Where a school has more applications than places available in the reception class, they must be allocated using the published admission criteria. Children who have attended the nursery will be considered on the same basis as those who have not.
In Salford, children who would be eligible for this criterion are those whose parents require additional longer term support from professionals, such as social workers, to support unmet need, For children resident in other local authorities, contact will be made with the child's social worker to confirm that the child's level of need falls within these boundaries of the Salford thresholds. Salford LA must have confirmation of an applicant's status. For more information on Salfords Support and Safeguarding Approach, follow:
Applicants under this criterion will be required to submit a medical information form completed by an appropriate medical professional. These are available from the school admissions team or on the local authority's website and should be returned within seven days of the closing date. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure a medical information form is completed by their medical practitioner and returned to the local authority if they are requesting their child's admission under this criterion. The school admissions team will not seek information about your child or telephone people on your behalf.
If you apply online, tell us that there is supporting evidence in the space provided, then send the medical form to the school admissions team either by post or send scanned copies with a covering email giving your application reference or child's details.
If we do not receive this information within seven days of the closing date, we will not be able to consider your child under this priority, unless it relates to a change of circumstances, such as a new diagnosis, which has occurred since the closing date.
Completed and returned medical forms will be placed before the medical panel, consisting of medical and educational professionals. The medical panel will consider all applications under this criterion and whether the child's medical needs can only be met by attendance at the named school.
Medical conditions consequential from a failure to obtain the preferred school, for example emotional distress (whether or not leading to a recognised medical condition), do not fall within this priority.
Only exceptional medical circumstances will mean that it is appropriate for a child to be admitted to a particular school. Exceptional reasons will be those where in the opinion of the panel, due to the child's medical needs, the location of the school, the school building, or the support it is able to offer is unique in meeting the child's medical needs and this cannot be provided by another school.
Parents will be informed of the decision on exceptional medical need before places are allocated, so that where necessary they may amend their preference schools.
Children considered as having a medical need to attend a school may include children with significant special educational needs, but without a statement or education, health and care plan, who require a carefully planned transition into school. These children will still be required to provide evidence to be considered by the medical panel as above.