Home Page
We are thrilled to share that we have just received Emotionally Friendly School (EFS) accreditation in recognition of our commitment to positive mental health and wellbeing of children and staff.
Care, Learn, Achieve

Home Learning


Home Learning tasks are available on the class pages.

New tasks are uploaded weekly.

The basis of our Home Learning are #The Learning Projects. Each week there is a new topic, which runs across all year groups. At the bottom of each Home Learning sheet there are  links to a range of extra resources which can supplement the children’s learning that week.

 We also include other resources each week.

All classes have White Rose Maths resources on their class pages. These resources link directly to the BBC bitesize daily lessons.

 All classes provide a link to the BBC bitesize daily lessons

The majority of classes also provide Hamilton Maths & English resources on a weekly basis.


Children are NOT expected to complete all the tasks that are on their class page. It is our intention to provide a choice for children & parents. Parents know their children better than anyone and can judge which resources will engage their children.

If you wish to share anything that children have created or experienced at home please send an email to

