What to expect if your child has an accident or becomes ill in school?
Minor injuries
Grazes, minor cuts, or bruises etc. are able to be dealt with on the premises. The child will receive a school accident report slip to take home at the end of the day to explain what has happened and how they were treated.
Head injuries
All cases of bumped heads will be referred to a first aider in school who will check for signs of concussion. If the child is not displaying any symptoms of concussion at that time a text message will be sent to the emergency contact number given to school and again a school accident report slip will be sent home with the child stating the treatment given. This slip also advises of symptoms that may be of concern over the next 72hrs and advice to contact a medical professional if there are any concerns. All relevant staff will be reminded to monitor the child until they go home that day.
Where there are more serious concerns re head injuries, parent/carers will be contacted and the parents will be advised to take the child straight to A&E at Salford Royal Hospital. In extreme circumstances the school may take the decision to contact emergency services directly.
Injuries of concern
Injuries such as large cuts or possible fractures will result in your child being seen by a first aider in school. Parent/carers will be contacted and a judgement made as to whether the child is collected from school or taken straight to A&E by a member of school staff who can meet the parent /carer there (whichever is the most practical or speedy option.)
When a parent/carer has taken a child to A&E they are asked to inform school of the outcome as soon as is conveniently possible. We understand that it can be stressful and possibly very time consuming taking a child to hospital and so school will leave a respectful amount of time to pass and make contact the next day if there has been no communication by then. Parents will be given a copy of the accident report. Serious accidents and injuries will be investigated in line with the school safeguarding and behaviour policies as appropriate.
If your child becomes ill in school, any concerns will be reported by phone to parents/carers and arrangements made, if necessary, for the child to be taken home. The following conditions would result in school insisting that the child is collected…
Any other request would be at the school’s discretion.
A child who has a fit will be taken straight to A&E. The exception would be if we were aware of a condition that would cause this and there would a Health Care Plan in place.
In cases of children who suffer from asthma, if they have an asthma attack they will also be taken straight to A&E. If they need to use their inhaler more than is usual for them (but within the parameters of acceptable levels), parent/carers will be informed. Children who use an inhaler independently are requested to make the use of their inhaler known to their class teacher/responsible adult.
Children who have other specific health conditions will have a personal plan detailing individual circumstances and necessary actions. This plan will be formulated in partnership with the parent/carer.
Recording Accidents
Accident report slips are completed for all accidents. Parents will receive one of the duplicate copies and the others are retained in school. Certain accidents may require the school to notify the Local Authority or the Health & Safety Executive. School will assess each accident and follow the correct reporting procedures. Information on these are available upon request.